Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Adventures in DC Festival LaLaLand

Yep, so I am officially crazy. I have had an event planning bug for years ever since I learned I could successfully large-scale events with over 50,000 in attendance (well, actually even larger). I am daring my self this year to take on the big guys and I'm doing it almost alone. So, it's official.

Three events. One more to present and possibly two more after that. This is taking off with me, this time. It's about time.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I've been searching for other writers that are multi-blogging. All I can find are subjects on how some blogs use multiple writers but none that says of writers that have different and specialized blogs. I'm interested because each of my blogs I feel are their own brand. I don't want to muddle up the waters.

The origination of this blog was somewhat supportive of my sixth grader's venture to blog; watch his progress and show him that mom could also do the same. However, I have not moved much with this page or posting. I think I don't have the direction that I originally intended with this. After deciding to "blog, " my original  intention was a site for my friends and contacts where they can post. This first posting on here was an announcement to those people to join me and to use that site. That immediately went downhill when absolutely no one wrote back. So, my circle of friends became my circle of one - me, my self and I. Hee hee. It is almost humorous to think that this site and my other one are really odes to myself, testaments to my thoughts and actions. So, then why keep the separation of blogs and not merge them? Am I emotionally attached to this one rather than the other? Not really. I'm not altogether convinced this name or this page represents me and therefore, I will keep open. I will let this page be a page of fact, declaration or interest.

Whereas OrJustSayIt is my no barriers vent. I can say or divulge anything. Although, the site started with the full intent of anonymity, it has turned into a revelation that requires identity and somehow a reader's connection. Let people know me in the space of blogosphere, I have nothing to hide. I have a tale to tell and whether someone wants to read it, I can reread it and learn from it. Or Just Say It reveals my thoughts, desires and dreams because I guess really want them to be known now. It's ironic because I'm almost sure that no one is following me on this blog either. This is more of  a diary with some specific points o feelings I want to address. I don't have some awesome articles or persuasive postings of interest here. I don't think particularly insightful nor do I have a pulse of some innate enlightenment. So, Or Just Say It stays the same.

Then, I'm entering another delight with my niece to chart our path through obesity and eating - two normal people who face a real challenge with obesity. We want to track our eating habits, our feelings toward food and try diets and see if they work or not and see if we actually make a difference in our lives. Why not add this onto my other writing ventures? Well, again, I don't want murky waters here. These are all distinct feelings and explorations and the more I write about very different ideas and thoughts, the more I expand and don't concentrate on the importance of the separatedness. The separation dictates attention to detail and the expansion of one idea as a whole rather the expansion of many ideas with no direction.

AHHHH did I mention my other page for my thrifting fancies? Can all this be done? This is why I'm really wishing there was some articles or blogs or something to dictate otherwise? Or am I just too crazy to even think or dare to do all of this?

We'll find out. PS - If anyone knows out there of other people or writers or bloggers doing something similar, please let me know. I'll do like Julia Powell and say is "anyone out there reading any of my stuff?"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Date Nights are Essential

No, I'm not talking about young couples getting to know each other or some mad passionate love. I'm talking about date night for slow brimming loves and hates developed over a 16 yr span which require constant stirring, modulating the fire and watching over. Our cupeth has never really tumbled over; in fact, half the time, the cupeth has almost run out on both sides. We have worked towards what we have.

What we have is nothing short of ordinary. It doesn't inspire a movie, even a book or teach other couples how our marriage is so perfect. It is one of constant work, endurance, acceptance, flexibility and patience. Yes, sometimes there is one that gives more than the other. Then, there is resentment, an exchange of some times mean spirited words followed by silence. Then, we try all over again.

Til one of us wises up. Knowing another person so long sometimes more than you do your parents or your kids, dawning comes over you someday for no apparent reason. Maybe you are the one who has to modify and do something different. Don't expect your partner to do it if they haven't done it in the many years that my husband and I have shared a lifetime together.

So, I said "I want to go out and have dinner together. I'm treating. Let's go." We did. We went and relaxed sans kids for a bit. It wasn't terribly romantic or bonding. It was real. It was a chance to talk without interruptions or other people's needs. Just our own. I liked it. I even sat there and stared at my husband thinking "I'll invite him next week again to do something."

Two hours later last night, we walked to the car in the bitter cold hand in hand and didn't say a thing.

40th birthdays and Some

Today is one of my VBF's bdays. She's upset. I wonder why? Oh gawwd, either we are celebrating our proudness of being 40 or we're down that we're that "up." I don't know what to say about age. I guess age doesn't really bother me. I feel I still have time to reinvent my self. I know I haven't managed to do even half of what I intended to when I was younger or single. I didn't travel, or become something great. I don't have a house on a beach in California or have two dogs or marry some rich guy who is insanely in love with me. I am not slim or beautiful. Yet, I might say all of that with some type of remorse or even yearning but not really. I just realize that I can still do something. Sure, I didn't meet any of my personal time lines or goals but there's still time. There's still time to show at least to my kids I tried. And I still Still want to try so bad. I want to do so bad. I want to be, so badly. I understand that heartache when my friend says "I'm just not feeling it today."

I know I felt like that this past year's 39th bday. I wanted something different. Nothing happened that day or that month. But, what followed were revelations surmounting to my own personal changing almost overnight.

I will try harder. I have to try harder. I do have to do it for me. I also have to do it times three. I have three little ones that are following me. Either they think I'm a great mom or they think I'm mom or they think " I want to be like her." I need to know I tried for them as well. I can't continue giving up. My age doesn't dictate my ability or abilities.

So, while I see my hs friends and close friends plan the 40th bday, I'm planning the next couple of years for a change. I plan to reinvigorate and reinvent my life, my soul and my personal yearning. This 40th bday is not about age, it's about now becoming of age.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How The Year It Started

It was a bit ominous really nothing about me. However, all the same. My husband's cousin was found with very dangerous cysts (unknown if tumors or cancer yet); she had such little blood in her system, she could have collapsed or heart given way any minute. We were all quite shocked and are still adjusting waiting on her biopsy and what will happen.

I'm certain that I don't want my year to be like this but the unforeseen is always just that, lurking and unknown. However, I have decided I will live my life to the fullest now. I will cherish every moment I have with my children by my side and with the family and friends that want to be that to me. I don't just want to stay where I am. I want to be an active participant in this game called Life. See, I wasn't really accepting of life and what was given to me. Even with kids, I've been selfish, egotistical wanting things to go my way. They haven't. However, I realized sometime last year that I can't accept it. I can change it. Take the risks I've always wanted to and make the change to be different, do different, and mark the difference.

I no longer what to represent fragility and expecting things to come my way. I am at my tipping point.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Wow. Here we are and life is changing. I'm nearing my forties. I look at the title of Circle of Friends network and see where that has changed as well. There are friendships that I have had to let go for the better and some that I have not dedicated too much time to. I realized that ME was first instead of giving ME to others and it was me needing to give ME more to ME. And so now 2011, Hello. Hola. Here I am. Aqui estoy.

I am welcoming you to my world. This is my world. It is a world where I am someone undefineable. I am air that needs catching. I am a tree that needs carving. I have not yet made my fingerprint or footprint on this world. I have three fine children and am here for them. I plan on being here a long time, thank you Lord. I was put here on a purpose. I am somehow multi-gifted and talented. I realized as a child God granted me gifts that I have not realized yet and this is my year to do so.

You may see write. You may see create art. You may see me bake. You may see me create events. You may see supporting my children. You may see me.

I feel it and I know it. Hello 2011. I won't be shy anymore. Give me what is mine universe for I am ready for what you have been waiting for. Me.