Monday, January 10, 2011

How The Year It Started

It was a bit ominous really nothing about me. However, all the same. My husband's cousin was found with very dangerous cysts (unknown if tumors or cancer yet); she had such little blood in her system, she could have collapsed or heart given way any minute. We were all quite shocked and are still adjusting waiting on her biopsy and what will happen.

I'm certain that I don't want my year to be like this but the unforeseen is always just that, lurking and unknown. However, I have decided I will live my life to the fullest now. I will cherish every moment I have with my children by my side and with the family and friends that want to be that to me. I don't just want to stay where I am. I want to be an active participant in this game called Life. See, I wasn't really accepting of life and what was given to me. Even with kids, I've been selfish, egotistical wanting things to go my way. They haven't. However, I realized sometime last year that I can't accept it. I can change it. Take the risks I've always wanted to and make the change to be different, do different, and mark the difference.

I no longer what to represent fragility and expecting things to come my way. I am at my tipping point.

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